Buy Samsung 980 PRO Heatsink 2TB

May 2023, memory products such as SSDs and DRAMs are much cheaper now.
The SSD in my current Windows PC is a Gen.4-compatible motherboard, but I am using a Gen.3 SSD.
While the price was low, I bought a “Samsung 980 PRO 2TB” with a high-end heatsink.
The [WD Green SN350 2TB] was the C drive, but I replaced the [Samsung 980 PRO 2TB] with the C drive and the [WD Green SN350 2TB] with the D drive for data.
The 2TB HDD was attached as the D drive, but this was removed.
The case is now very clean with no SATA connected devices.

Samsung 980 PRO heatsink 2TB

It was purchased from Amazon and priced at 20,734 yen. At the beginning of 2023, the price was close to 30,000 yen, so the price seems much lower.


Compare with WD Green SN350 2TB


Samsung 980 PRO


WD Green SN350 2TB


Perhaps because the random access performance has not changed much, it does not seem to be much faster by feel.
However, copying a single file with a large capacity is fast, as expected of a Gen. 4 SSD.
To be honest, a Gen. 3 SSD is sufficient for everyday use, and only those who play games or edit videos will benefit from it.